How do you find yourself in a society that always tells you how and who to be? People forget that we can basically be whoever we want to be in life. You don’t have to be a specific way in order to be part of this world. Although they want us to believe that we have to act or think a certain way in order to fit in, people crave diversity and change. Humans are becoming like robots, and we just do what we have to do because we feel like that’s what needs to be done. Like a robot, we try to fit in society; we get up every morning, go to school, go to work, chit-chat with a couple people, go home, eat, sleep, and the next day we repeat because we think that’s who we’re supposed to be. There is no variety in that. We’re stuck in the rat race. When all of us start doing the same thing, just because we feel like we need to in order to fit in, it creates a mindless and lost society.
People often look to find themselves but, what if you could create yourself? You can only look or find something when it already exists, but you can always create something new, different, and unique. The future does not exist yet, so how can you find yourself in the future? You can create yourself for the future. Since do not exist yet in the future, we have the opportunity to create whoever we want to be in the future. For example, we do not exist yet tomorrow (we can only hope to exist), so we can create who we want to be tomorrow. We can teach ourselves as many skills as we’d like, gain as much knowledge we’d like, and become whoever we want to be. Who would you like to be in this life? Look at yourself like an empty canvas, and create whatever you want, express however you want to express. Like the different colors you would use on a painting to express different ideas and feelings, use different things in life to create and express yourself. Don’t get caught up in the mindless routine society wants you to be part of, but think independently. Be unique. Unfortunately, the 99% is part of the mindless society, and the 1% creates, rebels, and steps out of the box.
It’s easy to get caught in something that seems like the normal thing to do. I tried being part of the mainstream for three months, and I felt empty. It felt like being stuck in an automatic life where all you had to do is go with the flow. It was a place without excitement, and it was boring. My mind is not programmed like that; I like originality, I like creating, I like thinking, I like diversity. This is one of the reasons why I need solitude; in solitude my great ideas arise and my imagination runs wild. In this society, it’s hard to be alone because people constantly expect you to be involved. If you’re not involved, they think you’re unfriendly, rude, detached, etc. but they don’t understand that some people need to be alone in order to thrive in this crazy world. Some people, and most creative people, are introverted like me, and we need our own time and space to cope with ourselves and the world around us (ex. Einstein). We need time and space to create ourselves because in solitude is where we can unmask.